ARCH509 Design Build Studio
Desktop Topography
University of Kansas
2023 Spring
Co-instructing with:
Matthew Hufft, AIA
Josh Ogren
Anna Dennison
Grant Fraikor
Liam Hartigan
Design and Build Studio has been the core of architectural education at the University of Kansas, which is a very practical process, that is, students proposed designs and built them. Several fronts of Design Build Studios are given at the KU, some focuses on architecure procatice such as Studio804, some focuses sustainability such as Solor Decathlon Group, some focus on mobile architecture and some focus on environmental design. This studio is focusing on digital fabrication where students are given a task to utilize the materials recycled from the School of Architecture and Design at the KU to fabricate high-degree NURB surfaces. The recycled materials are various, including drafting desktops, table legs, roofing metal meshes and so forth. The major mission for students is to design a fabircation system which can be applied to any NURB surface, and most important of all, they have to incorporate the recycled materials. In the end, five teams delivered the five projects, shown as below.